Meet Laura

HEO at Coimisiún na Meán

I worked at the former Broadcasting Authority of Ireland for over four years before moving across to the newly formed Coimisiún na Meán this year. I studied Film & Television Production, which provided me with a solid foundation to make a transition into the broadcasting regulatory field. Since joining, I have been really impressed with the opportunities available to us; I have progressed from CO to HEO within the organisation, undertaken further educational opportunities, and have enjoyed working across a variety of roles and projects including Communications, the Broadcasting Funding Scheme and Policy Development. A career highlight to date was working on the design of the 2021-2023 strategy statement, it was really rewarding seeing my work influence key strategic documents that are used day to day across the organisation.

One of the best things about working here is that you feel valued for the contribution you make, the team are friendly and the deep rooted sense of satisfaction you get knowing you are working on a common goal for the public! I have been very lucky to be involved in work which lets me play to my strengths and to develop interests across a wide range of topics in the media and regulatory sectors.

"It was really rewarding seeing my work influence key strategic documents that are used day to day across the organisation."

Meet Ita

Clerical Officer at Coimisiún na Meán

I was initially employed as an external contractor based in the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland as a receptionist for 4 years.  During the COVID-19 pandemic I was considered a Key Worker; I was one of a few people in the office daily, and in doing so I took on many new responsibilities. This gave me the opportunity to grow and learn new skills supporting various areas within the organisation including the Sound and Vision Funding Scheme, Accounts and Facilities. Eight months ago I was delighted to accept a full time Clerical Officer position as a Public Service Employee and moved over to Coimisiún na Meán as the organisation transitioned. I am now part of the Sound and Vision Funding Team, and the Irish Language Team and I really enjoy the work. It is really satisfying to hear or see Radio and Television programmes being broadcast and to be able to say, I was part of that process that enabled that to be made.

I have been really impressed with how friendly and supportive Coimisiún na Meán is, whether that’s encouraging us to develop our professional skillset through internal and external learning opportunities, or by supporting community and diverse events such as the bi-lingual storytelling event I ran for Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Accepting a permanent role here was a great decision and I would highly recommend it to anybody considering a change in career.

“It is really satisfying to hear or see Radio and Television programmes being broadcast and to be able to say, I was part of that process that enabled that to be made.”

Ready to search for your next career move? Take a look at Coimisiún na Meán's career opportunities: